Exit Strategy

Every business has a specific life cycle. Certain firms have the ability to endure for multiple generations, while others see a downturn in business owing to various market variables or personal reasons like retirement and the loss of key personnel. With our assistance, plan your exit well in advance with our help.

Planning ahead, your business will be able to reach its peak revenue generation point at the point of sale. In order to obtain a higher valuation, you might make plans in advance to strengthen your financial position, lower your debt, lay off staff, and eliminate any other obligations.

It is ideal to plan your exit strategy from the outset of your organization, but this is rarely the case. However, it's always a wonderful time. Try operating a business as though you want to close it the next year. In this manner, everything will be current. However, we advise delaying the exit process for a year.

Who to appoint?
It's possible that you can't do it by yourself. For optimal results, get ABNH to oversee your exit strategy.

Why plan to exit a business?
It is not possible to abruptly sell off a business. Either purchasers won't come through for you, or worse, you'll have to sell for a far lower amount. A well-thought-out advance exit strategy will enable you to reap the greatest rewards.

How to take action
ABNH recommends the following framework to go about planning for an exit strategy
Establish a deadline for when you will sell your business
Choose a reasonable price that you are willing to sell for
Consider the profit you will receive at this pricing and whether it will cover all related expenses
Make a plan for how to acquire the desired sale price.
Prepare the business for sale a year in advance, such as winding up debts and liabilities
Get ABNH to keep constant monitoring to ensure you are on the right track
Establish goals for the next three months and assess your progress toward them.
Initiate the exit strategy

Benefits of planning an exit strategy
Not being left in a void, you can make plans for what to do once you sell off your current business
You get a higher value
You can put out your best effort in the direction of your goal