How the service works

When you work with an ABNH business broker, selling your business swiftly and for the best price is simple.

Publicity and ads through different channels
As soon as you agree to let us sell your business on your behalf, we launch a well-planned campaign in offline, trade, and internet media. To receive as many affirmative answers as possible, we also notify our business partners in other cities.

We present our shortlisted buyers with a discussion. We begin the negotiation process to broker a deal on the best terms at the best rates as soon as we determine who the prospective purchasers are. You don't need to waste time worrying about it. Our professionals communicate with you and bargain in accordance with your directives.

We start the legal paperwork procedure as soon as we and the buyer come to an initial agreement. At that point, we decide on payments and asset transfer. The principals of both parties, along with their legal representatives, witness the final signature and document exchange.

Post-sale processes
After a sale is completed, we take care of any outstanding tasks for you until the case is closed.

It does occasionally happen that multiple purchasers are prepared to purchase, but only on different terms. For example, one bidder may be able to pay the entire amount, while others may need to look outside for finance, which causes delays. While some would place restrictions, others are willing to assume entire responsibility. In these situations, we advise making the best decision.

Sell with confidence
We have consistently met or exceeded our clients' expectations in terms of service quality, timeliness, and cost. Speak with us. Making a profit from the sale of your business can be initiated with just a phone call.